Iran railway system provides a safe and comfortable connection to the main destinations in Iran. With more than 10000 Kilometers railway, there are daily trains leaving/arriving Tehran, Mashhad, Bandar Abbas, Shiraz, Isfahan, Kerman, Ahwaz, Yazd, and other cities. Usually, there are several stops on the way to the main destinations. Different companies offer trains with different classes and facilities such as air conditioning, meals, TV, and etc. Guest attendees are ready to help passengers in most of the trains. A family-friendly atmosphere is the result of this form of travel. The concept of special services and luxury is well understood and most people are aware of it.
Raja Transport Company and its subsets are the suppliers of Iranian Rail Way trains. Raja Trains include Simorgh, Sabz, and Ploor trains. All of these trains consist of compartments with four beds and have TV, air conditioner and charging sockets in each compartment. Bedding services containing bed sheets, pillow and blanket are provided for all passengers.
Other Raja trains are called Bus Trains because the arrangements of seats in each wagon is like a bus and there are no private compartments. Bus trains are usually faster than other trains and they are mostly used between Tehran and Mashhad.
Joopar Trains is another train company that transfers many passengers daily between different destinations. Joopar has two types of trains; Kavir trains which have 10 compartments with 6 beds in each wagon and Mahan bus trains. All Joopar trains have air conditioning, charging socket, restaurant, and toilet. Bedding services containing bed sheets, pillow and blanket are provided in compartment trains.
FADAK trains are of the best trains in Iran and for their convenience and safety, are also called the mobile 5 star hotels. Fadak trains have three different classes, with different prices and services. The services available on Fadak trains are offered in three levels: luxury, Business and Economy, each with a different price. Depending on the departure time and train facilities and budget we can book the appropriate ticket you want.